Parrot Head Rendezvous

SOLD OUT!!  Day pass available at the event: $60 Friday and $60 Saturday!
Here’s our Line-up!
Thursday, 5 pm:
Jeff Pike
Jonas Lawrence Band
Friday 10 am
Gene Mitchell
Drop Dead Dangerous Fully Loaded
The Sunny Jim Group
Jimmy and the Parrots
Aubrey Wollett
Saturday, 10 am
The Steve Hopper Band
Jerry Diaz and Hanna’s Reef
Jim Asbell and the Tropiholics
Conch Republic
Reggie Starrett
Sunday 11 am
Beth Travers
Carrie Welling
Isabella Stephania
And of course our “one of a kind” Wednesday pre-party will be hosted by Jeff and the Camaros!
Both Friday and Saturday will feature the 11 pm All Star Jam, which have become legendary!


Apr 20 2023


5:00 pm

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West End PCB
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